Environmental measures

  • The Bike+Ride campaignno. 156 is intended to help create up to 100,000 additional parking spaces, thereby initiating an expansion of the Bike+Ride infrastructure. To date, about 70 facilities with more than 7,000 parking spaces have been constructed. Finished concepts with agreed and approved spaces are available for about 45,000 parking spaces. The municipalities are financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz; BMUV) and operationally supported by us through space testing and rent-free permits. The program has been extended to 2027. In order to advise municipalities on issues and to support them with projects, we also set up an information center in July 2021. DB Netze Stations received the tender as part of a Federal Government process and, initially for a fixed term until the end of 2023, will provide interested municipalities with a comprehensive range of information. Location-specific consultation is also possible.
  • Through the DB Rad+ appno. 10 we are promoting intermodal journey chains that combine cycling and the railway. The app counts the number of kilometers cycled within an area of action, and these can be redeemed for discounts and rewards from retailers in the region and at the station. Users of the app have already traveled more than one million km in 14 cities. Further locations are to follow.
  • A new approach to construction is being trialed at the sta­­tion in Zorneding, which will enable us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The special feature of this new approach is the high degree of prefabrication and the use of wood as a renewable, recyclable construction material, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions. A total of 41.8 m3 is being installed, and 48% of greenhouse gas emissions are being saved compared to conventional construction using reinforced concrete. This will enable us to create an attractive station offer at locations that have small passenger numbers.