
With the agreement with the Railway and Transport Workers Union (Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft; EVG) and the German Train Drivers’ Union (Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer; GDL), collective wage agreements were concluded, expressing appreciation for employees and, at the same time, securing the future of the Integrated Rail System.

In line with our Strong Rail strategy, we continued our major recruitment campaign in Germany in 2021. Thanks to our innovative recruiting approach, despite a tense labor market, about 23,000 employees completed their first working day in 2021, thereof about 4,500 were vocational trainees and dual students

Good work can happen almost anywhere – with this conviction we are consistently improving our working conditions. Mobile work is a natural part of our day-to-day working world. After creating the requisite conceptual guidelines, mobile work is now set to become anchored in the business. We are also beginning the gradual implementation of desk sharing and activity-oriented office concepts at all German office locations.