Green transformation

A study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung; PIK), which we commissioned, showed that Germany can expect to experience significantly more heatwaves and fewer cold winters, along with more frequent extreme weather conditions such as torrential rain and hail. The study examined how climate change will affect the weather in Germany between now and 2060. We are using this scientific forecast data to underpin the strategic development of our climate-resilience management through concrete measures to better shield against the impacts of climate change, particularly in terms of rail infrastructure, vehicles, energy facilities and stations.

By 2038 at the latest, we intend to source 100% of our traction current from renewable energy sources in order to meet our target of climate neutrality by 2040. The solar power park at Gaarz near Plau am See went into operation in May 2021. DB Netze Energy now receives about 80 GWh of eco-power annually, thereby saving up to 40,000 t of CO₂ per year in comparison to gray energy from the 50 Hz markets, and up to 60,000 tons of CO₂ when compared to sourcing power from a coal-fired power plant.