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General framework
Approval of station fees for 2022
On September 17, 2021, following changes to the legal context (Railway Regulation Act Amendment; ERegG-Novelle), the fee schedule for the 2022 station prices were approved by resolution of the BNetzA. The Federal agency approved the 2022 station prices with a small number of deductions. As in the previous year, DB Station&Service AG filed an action with the Cologne Administrative Court against the deductions made by the BNetzA to station fees for canceled station stops. In total, an average price increase of 2.46% was approved.
Federal Government economic stimulus program for attractive stations
As part of an economic stimulus/trade program, an additional€ 120 million was made available by the Federal Government in 2021, as an extension of the 2020 economic stimulus program, to support small and medium-sized businesses whilst at the same time making stations more attractive. In 2021, over 2,000 measures were planned and implemented using this additional funding at about 1,000 stations.
At the same time, we are working together with the Federal Government to increase the sustainability of our stations: at about 90 stations, the lighting has been switched to LEDs and the energy efficiency of the heating systems was improved at about 50 stations.