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Social and fringe benefits
In addition to offering compensation that is fair and commensurate with performance, an employer-financed company pension scheme and support for private provision, we also offer a wide range of social and fringe benefits. The social partners (Bahn-Sozialwerk, Bahn-Betriebskasse, Verband Deutscher Eisenbahner Sportvereine, DEVK-Versicherungen and SpardaBanken) offer benefits packages for our employees. In cooperation with the foundation family, we offer our employees a range of childcare options and extensive support in caring for family members.
Work-life balance
Full-time | 195,127 | 193,844 | 188,820 | |
thereof women | 37,769 | 37,243 | 36,122 | |
Part-time | 23,578 | 23,184 | 22,480 | |
thereof women | 13,360 | 13,292 | 13,072 | |
Total | 218,705 | 217,028 | 211,300 |
DB Group offers various part-time models. This supports a better balance between career and family.
EMPLOYEES BY CONTRACT TYPE AS OF DEC 31 / NP | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
Permanent | 209,221 | 206,970 | 200,392 | |
thereof women | 48,355 | 47,541 | 46,033 | |
Fixed-term | 9,484 | 10,058 | 10,908 | |
thereof women | 2,774 | 2,993 | 3,161 | |
Total | 218,705 | 217,028 | 211,300 |
The share of employees with permanent employment contracts in Germany remained very high at about 96%.
AGENCY PERSONNEL AS OF DEC 31 / NP | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
Total | 2,416 | 2,232 | 3,458 |
Germany (companies with about 99% of domestic employees).
Use of agency workers remains comparatively low due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Executive employees and employees not covered by collective wage agreements
The variable compensation for executives, employees covered by collective wage agreements and employees not covered by such agreements is aligned with the top targets of the Strong Rail strategy. The calculation of the variable compensation amount is based on a standardized set of key figures. In addition to Group and business success in the Integrated Rail System, there is a sustainability factor that takes into account the compass index in the Integrated Rail System and the reduction of CO₂e emissions.
- To improve work-life balance, executives and employees not subject to collective wage agreements are able to take a sabbatical. We also support the provision of part-time executive employment and interim management.
- The “Special semi-retirement for executives in DB Group” program is intended to reduce executives’ individual workload while maintaining the employability of older executives until the statutory retirement age.
- Employer-financed contributions to the company pension plan are used to ensure post-employment benefits for executives and employees not subject to collective wage agreements.
- The BahnCard and car-sharing services offer executives an environmentally friendly alternative to a company car.
Measures against discrimination
We are committed to ensuring a working environment that is free from discrimination and bullying. Capable assistance for clarifying and handling conflict situations is available from the intra-Group ombudsperson for all employees, in addition to the rules in the Group Employer/Works Council Agreements (Konzernbetriebsvereinbarung; KBV), such as the KBV for equal treatment and protection against discrimination, or the KBV for balancing work, family and life stage, as well as directives such as those on the Federal General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichheitsbehandlungsgesetz) and on company integration management, or compliance directives. The focus in all this is on non-bureaucratic and independent extrajudicial settlement of conflicts. The ombudsperson coordinates the intra-Group pool of mediators.