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Preparation of the 2023 schedule
About 91,000 train-path applications have been received for the 2023 working timetable (increase of 7%). The situation surrounding existing train-path capacity therefore remains tense. As in the previous year, there were application conflicts, which are characterized by the fact that several TOCs have ordered the same time slot on the same infrastructure. While the number of application conflicts remained stable, capacity conflicts arose for the first time in 2022 (68 in total). Triggered by construction-related restrictions, capacity conflicts led directly to a decision-making procedure with a correspondingly high number of train-path reductions. As a result, more train-path inquiries had to be rejected or shortened than in the previous year (+40%). The fact that competition on the rails is continuing to increase is demonstrated above all by the train-path applications from non-Group TOCs. For example, their share in long-distance rail passenger transport increased by 10%, despite the sector’s registrations falling by 5% at the same time. By contrast, regional rail passenger transport saw applications increase by a total of 10% (applications from non-Group TOCs +12%). The schedule process is subject to a strict regulatory framework and is monitored by the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur; BNetzA). The working timetable for 2022/2023 has been completed in due time. The timetable change completed in mid-December 2022 went smoothly.