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Qualification and training
We are one of the largest companies providing training in Germany and offer training in around 50 apprenticeship professions and 25 dual study courses. Even in uncertain times, we provide young people with secure career prospects, and typically offer a permanent contract to vocational trainees and dual-degree students after successfully passing the final examination.
Young Talents in Germany (as of Dec 31) / NP | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Vocational trainees 1) | 11,869 | 11,668 | 11,356 |
Dual-degree students 1) | 1,398 | 1,316 | 1,237 |
Graduate trainees 2) | 195 | 128 | 151 |
Interns 2) | 593 | 667 | 683 |
“Chance plus” participants | 132 | 184 | 211 |
Total | 14,187 | 13,963 | 13,638 |
1) Includes all class years of vocational training (usually three class years for both
vocational trainees and dual-degree students).
2) Companies with about 98% of domestic employees.
We are continuously increasing our capacity so that we can qualify additional personnel professionally and quickly.
Figures correspond to respective career objective.
In 2022, a total of 4,900 vocational trainees (previous year: around 4,500) (excluding “Chance plus” participants) and dual-degree students started their vocational training and/or their studies at DB Group. In 2022, we received about 110,000 applications for training places in the Integrated Rail System (previous year: about 103,000). This shows that we are an attractive employer, especially among young people, in times of discussions about climate change, sustainability and environmental protection. As before, most vocational trainees started their career as railway employees in operational services, or as electronics engineers.
We are involved in the social partnership-based reorganization of the most important training occupations in the rail transport sector. The restructuring of the railway employees in operational services apprenticeship was completed in 2022 after many years of intensive work, meaning that the vocational trainees in this area were able to start with updated training content in August 2022.
Further information can be found in the section Securing young talent.