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Promoting mental health
Deutsche Bahn Foundation is involved in working to destigmatize depression as a mental illness in society and enables those affected to receive assistance. Together with the German Depression Aid Foundation (Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe), it supports the German Federation against Depression (Deutsches Bündnis gegen Depression) in over 80 cities and regions. In 2022, the annual German depression barometer study by Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (Foundation German Depression Aid) and Deutsche Bahn Foundation examined the main topic “Treatment methods for depression.”
In cooperation with Achtung!Kinderseele Foundation and the children and young people’s charity Die Arche in Hamburg, Arche staff learn to recognize mental stress and illnesses in children and to provide assistance. The aim is to offer this training course at all Arche locations. Deutsche Bahn Foundation is funding this project to mitigate the negative consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of children and young people.
The prevention and early detection initiative “Masters of tomorrow – psychologically healthy through training” of the Achtung!Kinderseele Foundation is supported by Deutsche Bahn Foundation in expanding its services nationwide. It aims to raise awareness of mental illness among trainees. In 2022, Deutsche Bahn Foundation adapted the exhibition “Keep an eye on mental illness” as a traveling exhibition at stations and presented it at five stations.