Development of the infrastructure

In 2023, about € 16.4 billion was spent for expanding, renewing and maintaining the network, stations and energy facilities. This includes LuFV funds (grants and DB funds) amounting to € 6.8 billion, about € 3.7 billion for maintenance and € 2.3 billion for projects of the requirement plan, as well as funds for the existing network outside the LuFV, such as the Municipal Transport Financing Act (Gemeindeverkehrsfinanzierungsgesetz; GVFG), Digital Rail for Germany or the Climate Action Program, totaling about € 3.6 billion.

In addition, prefinancing of measures by DB rail infrastructure companies (RIC) amounting to about € 2.6 billion are included in 2023. Temporarily, the replacement capital expenditures (for example, to compensate for the inflation effects) and additional maintenance expenses, which also go to the maintenance of the rail infrastructure, are prefinanced with DB funds. These prefinancings are to be replaced by Government funds in 2024.

Key developments in the expansion and renewal of the rail network in 2023 included:

  • Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link: The first construction work on the rail connection to the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link began on Fehmarn in fall 2023. In preparation for construction, nature and environmental protection measures were implemented and construction roads and construction site equipment areas set up. In individual sections of the project, the “rail partnership model” has been used since 2023 as part of the piloting of integrated project implementation for DB projects planned by the Rail Acceleration Commission. All partners involved in the construction work closely together from an early construction phase. The early exchange between DB Group, construction companies, Federal agencies and other partners is intended to bring together expert knowledge for optimized planning and construction in the project at an early stage.
  • New construction line Dresden — Prague: The preferred option has been selected. A 30 km tunnel is planned between Saxony and the Czech Republic. In addition, there will also be further capacity-increasing measures between Dresden and Heidenau. The preferred variant for the region was presented on November 20, 2023, after which citizens and public bodies have the opportunity to comment on DB Group’s preferred plan version. The results of the preliminary planning and public consultation are then sent to the German Bundestag (parliament) to undergo “parliamentary inquiry.” Since spring 2023, citizens of the region have had the opportunity in Heidenau to learn about and engage in discussions on the cooperation between Germany and the Czech Republic, the course of the line, the geology and tunneling, via a multimedia
  • Reconstruction after the flood disaster in the Ahrtal and the Eifel region: In April 2023, the 24 km rail line between Kyllburg and Gerolstein in Rhineland-Palatinate was restored. This involved the renovation of the tracks de­stroyed during the flooding disaster, as well as nine bridges. At the same time, the construction teams laid many kilometers of cables for new technical equipment and signals. Six modern interlocking modules were constructed. Reconstruction of the section between Walporz­heim and Ahrbrück, which was completely destroyed by the flood in the Ahrtal, began in September 2023. The line will be electrified and expanded in the course of these works. By the end of 2025, the line will fully open to traffic again.
  • Stuttgart 21: The last of the 28 chalice column supports was concreted at the future through station in June 2023, and the roof of the station hall was finished by the end of 2023. The final tunneling work in the project took place at the airport in September 2023, meaning the project has resulted in a total of about 56 km of tunnels. The work is now focused on the production of the fixed track and the railway equipment.
  • Noise reduction on rail tracks: In the Middle Rhine Valley, which is particularly affected by rail traffic noise, DB Group started building noise reduction walls in 20 municipalities at the beginning of 2023. In order to sustainably relieve citizens of rail transport noise, a total of about 27 km of noise barriers are being built in the Middle Rhine Valley. This will make things noticeably quieter for about 22,000 people. A total of more than € 130 million, mainly from Government funds, is being invested for this.
  • Second S-Bahn (metro) main line in Munich: On October 31, 2023, the last outstanding plan approval decision was issued by the Federal Railway Authority. A construction permit is therefore in place for plan approval section 3 (east), which comprises the eastern section of the tunnel between Isar and East station. Thanks to the optimized plans in the east section, there will be improved capacity and safety in the future, with fewer adverse effects for local residents during the construction period. The optimizations include the new location of the East station at the Friedenstraße – instead of below Orleansplatz – a new track positioning, and the new emergency and rescue plan. In order to start construction work quickly, the awarded tender for construction work for the east tunnel section with the East station was published in October 2023.

Construction began in 2023

Project name

Project description

Expansion line

Berlin— Dresden

  • Renovation of Zossen station

Expansion/new construction line Hamburg— Lübeck — Puttgarden (rail connection for the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link)

  • Dual-track expansion/new construction of Bad Schwartau— Puttgarden and additional passing loop in Lübeck’s goods station

Magdeburg hub

  • Second construction phase: conversion of tracks at Magdeburg central station track plan south to Magdeburg-Buckau station, including complete replacement of the railway viaducts at Hallische Straße, partial construction of a railway viaduct at Carl-Miller Straße and the adaptation of the passenger transport facility at Magdeburg Hasselbachplatz (plan approval section 80)

Halle/Leipzig hub

  • Optimization of the track plan and increase in speed, as well as conversion of the overhead wire system in the Peißen— Reußen section (plan approval section 3)

The following requirement plan and GVFG projects were also under construction in 2023:

Projects under construction in 2023


Project name

Project description

Stelle — Lüneburg expansion line

  • Fitting the line with ETCS

Expansion line and new construction line Nuremberg— Erfurt (German unification transport projects no. 8.1)

  • Forchheim — Eggolsheim 4-track expansion (plan approval section 19)
  • Eggolsheim — Strullendorf 4-track expansion (plan approval section 21)
  • Preliminary measures at the Bamberg hub (for example, interim construction status and platform extension)

Leipzig — Dresden expansion line (German unification transport projects no. 9)

  • 3rd construction phase: Zeithain— Leckwitz expansion line (modern interlocking adjustment, line speed to 200 km/h)

Karlsruhe — Stuttgart— Nuremberg — Leipzig/Dresden expansion line

  • Chemnitz —Chemnitz-Kappel (replacement of overhead wires, signaling equipment, noise reduction)
  • Gaschwitz — Werdau expansion line (expansion with modern electronic interlocking technology, renovation of superstructure and command and control technology for line speed up to 160 km/h, overall commissioning)

Ludwigshafen — Saarbrücken expansion line

  • Fitting the line with ETCS

Stuttgart — Ulm — Augsburg expansion line and new construction line

  • Stuttgart 21 (including regional rail passenger transport share in accordance with the GVFG)

Karlsruhe— Offenburg — Freiburg — Basel expansion and new construction line (1st and 2nd construction phase)

  • Karlsruhe — Rastatt South 4-track expansion including Rastatt tunnel (line section 1)
  • Müllheim — Auggen 4-track expansion (plan approval section 9.0)
  • Haltingen — Basel 4-track expansion (plan approval section 9.2)
  • Basel Bad Station (plan approval section 9.3)

Amsterdam— German/Dutch border — Emmerich— Oberhausen expansion line

  • Oberhausen — Emmerich 3-track expansion and increase in signaling block density, fitting with ETCS

Frankfurt/Main hub

  • Second Frankfurt/Main construction phase(new construction, 3rd Niederrad Bridge)

Berlin hub (Dresdner Bahn)

  • Reconstruction of the dual-track line between Berlin Südkreuz and Blankenfelde for 140 km/h

Combined transport

  • Rhine/Ruhr hub (unpowered train arrival rail-rail-transshipment, rail-road-transshipment connection)
  • Karlsruhe subway station (extension of the trans­shipment module to a crane-accessible length of 750 m in two construction stages)

Hanau — Würzburg/Fulda—Erfurt expansion line and new construction line

  • Gelnhausen electronic interlocking and preliminary measures: new construction of road overpass, passenger underpass

Rhine-Ruhr Express

  • Conversion of Dortmund central station
  • 4-track expansion, plan approval section 1.2: Leverkusen (Chempark) —Leverkusen-Küppersteg and 4-track expansion, plan approval section 1.3: Leverkusen-Rheindorf — Langenfeld-Berghausen
  • Electronic interlocking Düsseldorf

Angermünde — Szczecin expansion line

  • Electrification of Angermünde —Passow (plan approval section 1)

Uelzen — Stendal — Magdeburg —Halle expansion line (East Corridor North)

  • Additional tracks in Schnega and Salzwedel stations

Stuttgart — Singen — Germany (Switzerland border expansion line/Gäubahn)

  • Dual-track expansion Horb— Neckarhausen

740 m network

  • Expansion of the passing loop to 740 m

Weddel loop

  • Dual-track expansion of the Weddel— Fallersleben station branch

Hamburg hub

  • Dual-track expansion/one-track new construction of S4 line Hamburg — Ahrensburg — Bad Oldesloe including construction of new stations

Cologne – Aachen expansion line

  • Extension of track 13 at Aachen Rothe Erde station

Cologne hub

  • 6-track expansion south of Gummersbacher Straße to the Cologne/Bonn Airport North branch (currently four tracks)

Expansion line

Knappenrode— Horka

  • Start of ETCS expansion

Rhine-Main S-Bahn (metro)

  • Bad Vilbel – Frankfurt am Main West 4-track expansion, 1st construction phase

Rhine-Neckar high-speed regional rail transport

  • 1st and 2nd construction phase: station measures

Nuremberg S-Bahn (metro)

  • Second construction phase: Nuremberg S-Bahn (metro) – Forchheim— Bamberg 4-track expansion

Munich S-Bahn (metro)

  • Construction of a new main line between Laim station and Leuchtenbergring –2nd S-Bahn (metro) tunnel (initial plan of Federal state of Bavaria)

Munich S-Bahn(metro)(Erding Ring Closure)

  • Second construction phase: 1st construction area Munich airport— Schwaigerloh (dual-track new electrified line construction including turning point in Schwaigerloh)

Berlin S-Bahn (metro)

  • S21 (1st construction phase) – expansion of the Berlin S-Bahn (metro) network through construction of a north-south corridor – connecting Berlin central station to the north-south corridor via two branches to the northern ring of the metro

Lines affected by the flood (2021)

  • Electrification, expansion and new construction of sections on the Eifel lines and the Ahrtalbahn

At the end of 2023, a total of 219 requirement plan and GVFG projects were in planning and under construction (45 GFVG, 174 requirement plan). Further information on the projects is available on the BauInfo­Portal.