Employee building blocks

Our employees are involved in the implementation of the strategy by means of the “15 employee building blocks.” The goal is to develop additional building blocks that reflect the key concerns of employees. To date, more than 1,500 employees have contributed as developers.

The building blocks are developed in a participation process. Once a building block has been selected, a “construction manager,” together with a team, takes over the concrete design and implementation of this building block within DB Group.

In 2023, eight – or half – of the 15 employee building blocks were completed, five of which have already been integrated into the line organization: “Safe travel,” “My knowledge – Your knowledge – Our knowledge” and “Colleagues leave; their knowledge remains,” “Knowledge – knowing how the railway works” and “Just ask me.” Project teams are working on the implementation of three additional building blocks:

  • Team DB in rail operations: Individual products have been developed and implemented in order to improve rail operations and strengthen solidarity. At so-called Operational Round Tables, different professional groups and business units talk on-site about their problems and develop solutions that directly improve the day-to-day rail operations. Pilots were carried out for more joint training and further education, which will be implemented nationwide in 2024.
  • Strong leadership. Strong teams: Strengthening operational management and its local teams is a central goal for our employees and the aim of this building block. An operational manager should have more time for management and have better conditions on-site. A team is currently being set up to implement the appropriate measures, which are scheduled to start in 2024.
  • DB Campus: DB Campus is intended to create a location for Strong Rail. A team has started planning on the basis of a feasibility study. Concrete implementation is expected to start in 2024.