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Corporate Governance report
Corporate governance rules are intended to ensure good, responsible and value-focused corporate management. The Federal Government amended its Public Corporate Governance Code (Public Corporate Governance Kodex; PCGK) on principles of good corporate and investment management by resolution dated September 16, 2020, and again by resolution dated December 13, 2023. The PCGK sets out the essential provisions of applicable law governing the management and monitoring of non-listed companies in which the Federal Republic of Germany holds a majority stake, while outlining the internationally and nationally acknowledged principles of good and responsible corporate management. The objective of the PCGK is to make the corporate management and oversight of companies more transparent and easier to understand as well as to establish more precisely the role of the Federal Government as a shareholder in such companies. It also intends to increase awareness of good corporate governance.
We are convinced that good corporate governance is fundamental to the success of DB Group. Our aim is to sustainably increase the enterprise value so as to promote the interests of customers, business partners, investors, employees and the public, while maintaining and expanding trust in DB Group.
For corporations under uniform management, the executive bodies of the parent company should jointly issue the statement of compliance for the parent company of the Group and the companies under its uniform management which are to apply the Code. Deutsche Bahn AG (DB AG) complies with this recommendation below. The statement of compliance is an essential part of the Corporate Governance report, which is therefore also submitted in its entirety at the level of the Group’s parent company.