Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index

Statement of use DB Group has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

GRI 1 used

GRI 1: Foundation 2021

Applicable GRI Sector Standard(s)


GRI Standard


Reason Explanation

General disclosures


2-1 Organizational details

Organizational structure, Basic principles and methods(42) List of shareholdings


2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting

Sustainability reportingBasic principles and methods(42) List of shareholdings


2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point

Sustainability reporting, Contact information


2-4 Restatements of information

Comparability with the previous year, Comparability with the previous year (Notes to the consolidated financial statements)


2-5 External assurance

Report of the Supervisory Board, Sustainability reporting, Independent Auditor's Report


2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships

Organizational structure, Business model, Procurement, Procurement and energy market (Opportunity and risk report), Procurement markets (Outlook)


2-7 Employees

Overview of the stakeholder dialog, Work-life balance, Other employee key figures, Employee turnover, DB Long-Distance - at a glanceDevelopment in the year under review DB Long-Distance, DB Regional - at a glanceDevelopment in the year under review DB Regional, DB Cargo - at a glanceDevelopment in the year under review DB Cargo, DB InfraGO - at a glanceDevelopment in the year under review DB Netze Track, Development in the year under review DB Netze Stations, DB Energy - at a glanceDevelopment in the year under review DB Netze Energy,  DB Schenker - at a glanceDevelopment in the year under review DB Schenker, Human Resources (Opportunity and risk report), Business partner compliance, Human rights 

b. ii, b. iii Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual
data from the different companies.

2-8 Workers who are not employees

a., b., c.

Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. With regard to vocational trainees, dual-degree students, interns and external temporary agency workers, the report covers the DB Group in Germany.
3. GOVERNANCE        

2-9 Governance structure and composition

Organizational structure, Cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board


2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body

Cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board      

2-11 Chair of the highest governance body

Cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board      

2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management

of impacts

Sustainability management


2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

Sustainability management, Cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board


2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

Sustainability reporting


A more detailed description of the procedure for review and approval is planned for future reporting years.

2-15 Conflicts of interest

Cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board      

2-16 Communication of critical concerns

Report of the Supervisory Board      

2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body


Issues relating to the relevant training of Supervisory Board members will be addressed as part of the developing legal framework for sustainability reporting in Germany.

2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

Efficiency audit of the Supervisory Board      

2-19 Remuneration policies

Report of the Supervisory BoardSustainability in remuneration, Remuneration report


2-20 Process to determine remuneration

Remuneration system of the Management Board      

2-21 Annual total compensation ratio

a., b., c.

Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies.

2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy

Chairman's letter


2-23 Policy commitments

Procurement, Environmental management (Opportunity and risk report), Regulations in DB Group, Compliance, Human rights      

2-24 Embedding policy commitments

Procurement, Regulations in DB Group, Compliance, Human rights


2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts

Sustainability in the supply chain, Human rights

d., e. Information
unavailable/ incomplete
A more detailed description of the procedures for reviewing the effectiveness and involvement of stakeholders is planned for future reporting years.

2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns


2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations

Antitrust topics, Environmental managementCompliance

a., b., c., d. Information
unavailable/ incomplete
Information system not yet available. In development.

2-28 Membership associations

Dialog with policymakers and the public, Memberships in sustainability networks


2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement

Open stakeholder dialog


2-30 Collective bargaining agreements

Overview of the stakeholder dialog, Collective bargaining negotiations, Sustainability reporting, Top targets of the Strong Rail strategy, Securing employmentWage increases under collective bargaining agreements, Collective agreements, Inclusion and reintegration measures, Assessment of the risk situation in 2024, Human Resources (Opportunity and Risk report)Human rights, Collective bargaining negotiations with the GDL (Events after the balance sheet date)Overall statement of the Management Board regarding economic development (Outlook)

a., b.

Information unavailable/


Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. For the Group companies within the
Integrated Rail System in Germany, the principle is that the employment conditions for employees not subject to collective bargaining agreements and executives are not determined by collective bargaining agreements. Nevertheless, the remuneration of the great majority of employees not subject to collective bargaining agreements is based on the highest pay under collective bargaining agreements. Furthermore, DB Group ensures that the employment conditions of employees, both subject to and not subject to collective bargaining agreements, as well as executives, are compatible with one another with respect to personnel policy.

GRI Standard

Page(s) Omission
Reason Explanation

Material topics

GRI 3: MATERIAL TOPICS 2021        

3-1 Process to determine material topics

Overview of the stakeholder dialog, Selection of sustainability topics


3-2 List of material topics

Selection of sustainability topics      
Economic performance capability        

3-3 Management of material topics

Open stakeholder dialog, Strong Rail, Financial position, Key economic performance indicators, Asset situation, Outlook


201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed

Income developmentConsolidated statement of income, Consolidated statement of changes in equity


201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

Climate-related opportunities and risks

a. v.

Information unavailable/


Costs for managing climate-related opportunities and risks are set out in various items of the statement of income in the reporting. However, they have not yet been combined under this aspect.

201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans

(31) Pension obligations


201-4 Financial assistance received from governmen

Additional funds for track infrastructureDevelopment of business environment, Infrastructure expansionFederal budget utilization (Noise remediation)Capital expenditures, Federal budget 2024 approved (Events after the balance sheet date), Basic principles, (38) Related-party disclosures


203-1 Infrastructure investments and
services supported

Infrastructure expansionCapital expenditures, Infrastructure financing (Opportunity and risk report), (37) Infrastructure and transport contracts


203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts

Strong Rail      
Corporate management and compliance        

3-3 Management of material topics

GRI 205: ANTI-CORRUPTION 2016        

205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

Risik management (Non-financial statement), Opportunity and risk management within DB Group, Compliance


Information unavailable/


Quantitative survey in accordance with requirements is not material from DB Group perspective and therefore disproportionate.
Within a three-year cycle, all Group companies
with operating activities are to be examined for risks of corruption. Compliance risks must be reported annually on business units level.

205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

Sustainability in the supply chain, Compliance instruments, Compliance business partners

a., b., c., d., e.

Information unavailable/


Quantitative survey in accordance with requirements is not material from DB Group perspective and therefore
disproportionate. Communication and training on anti-corruption are described
under “Compliance instruments.” Upon conclusion of the contract, suppliers are informed of and obliged to meet anticorruption requirements.

205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

Compliance instruments, Compliance business partners      



206-1 Legal proceedings due to anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust and monopoly practices


Not applicable No completed proceedings during the reporting period.
Sustainable resource use        

3-3 Management of material topics

Management approach and targets resource conservationEnvironmental management (Opportunity and risk report)




301-1 Materials used by weight or volume

Material cycle - input resource management


Information unavailable/


According to the material flow analysis conducted in 2021, the materials used in track infrastructure (rail steel, gravel, concrete ties) are the main resources of DB Group. The materiality of additional resources is checked continuously.

301-2 Recycled input materials used

Material cycle - input resource management


Information unavailable/


According to the material flow analysis conducted in 2021, the materials used in track infrastructure (rail steel, gravel, concrete ties) are the main resources of DB Group. The materiality of additional resources is checked continuously.

301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials

Material cycle - input resource management


Information unavailable/


According to the material flow analysis conducted in 2021, the materials used in track infrastructure (rail steel, gravel, concrete ties) are the main resources of DB Group. The materiality of additional resources is checked continuously.

GRI 306: WASTE 2020


306-1 Waste generated and significant waste-related impacts

Recycling rate - output resource management      

306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts

Management approach and targets resource conservation, Recycling rate - output resource management


306-3 Waste generated

Recycling rate - output resource management      

306-4 Waste diverted from disposal

Recycling rate - output resource management

b., c.

Information unavailable/


The data on “Preparation for reuse” is not collected by DB Group or by the commissioned disposal companies because it is not currently part of the waste law system.

306-5 Waste directed to disposal

Recycling rate - output resource management

b., c.

Information unavailable/


DB Cargo AG is the only part of the DB Cargo business unit included. The extent to which the data can be collected in the
medium term is being examined.
Climate protection        

3-3 Management of material topics

Climate protection, Environmental measures DB Long-Distance, Environmental measures DB Regional, Environmental measures DB Cargo, Environmental measures DB Netze Track, Environmental measures DB Netze Stations, Environmental measures DB Netze Energie, Environmental measures DB SchenkerClimate-related opportunities and risks


GRI 305: EmissionS 2016


305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

Overview of greenhouse gas footprint, Methodology


Information unavailable/


In the context of the currently unreported Scope 3.3 emissions
according to the GHG Protocol, accounting for biogenic CO₂ emissions does not make sense. An expansion is planned in the medium term.


Not applicable The Group climate protection target with the base year 2006 does not include any separate scope targets.

305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

Management approach and climate protection target, Overview of greenhouse gas footprint, Methodology


305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

Management approach and climate protection target, Overview of greenhouse gas footprint, Methodology


Information unavailable/


In the context of the currently unreported Scope 3.3 emissions
according to the GHG Protocol, accounting for biogenic CO₂ emissions does not make sense. An expansion is planned in the medium term.

305-4 GHG emissions intensity

Greenhouse gas intensity, Methodology


305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

Management approach and climate protection target, Greenhouse gas intensity, Overview of greenhouse gas footprint, Methodology


Information unavailable/


No quantitative information is available at the time of data collection. In addition to qualitative data, quantitative data is also being reported in the medium term.

305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)


a., b., c., d.

Not applicable If used, refrigerants are used in such small quantities that materiality is not given.

305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other significant air emissions

Air quality control


GRI 302: ENERGY 2016


302-1 Energy consumption within the organization

Overview of greenhouse gas footprintMethodologyEnergy efficiency

b., c., d.

Information unavailable/


Total fuel consumption is reported, but the fuel types used cannot be broken down at present. A breakdown by fuel
type is only available for the DB traction current mix. Further information will be reported in the medium term.

302-2 Energy consumption outside the organization

Overview of greenhouse gas footprintEnergy efficiency


Information unavailable/


The primary energy consumption reported includes the energy consumption of the main Scope 3.4 transport services in accordance with the GHG Protocol (DB Schenker, DB Regional Bus, rail freight transport to China). Additional Scope 3 categories are specified in the medium term.

302-3 Energy intensity

Energy efficiency      

302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

Management approach and climate protection target, Overview of greenhouse gas footprintEnergy efficiency

a., b., c.

Information unavailable/


No quantitative information is available at the time of data collection. In addition to qualitative data, quantitative data is
also being reported in the medium term.

302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services

Overview of greenhouse gas footprintEnergy efficiency      
Attractive employer and securing skilled labor        
3-3 Management of material topics Management approach and targets  - Employees, Modern health management, Measures against discrimination      
GRI 401: EMPLOYMENT 2016        
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover New hires, Securing young talent, Employee retention and development, Knowledge transfer, Other employee key figures, Employee turnover a., b. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. The current reporting covers DB Group in Germany.
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not
provided to temporary or part-time employees
Organizational structureWork-life balance, Executives and employees not covered by collective bargaining agreementsModern health management a. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. The current reporting covers DB Group in Germany. For the Group companies within the Integrated Rail System in Germany, the principle is that there are no differences among part-time or fixed-term employees. The differences that exist with certain offers result from factual reasons arising in the case of a fixed-term or part-time employment.
401-3 Parental leave Work-life balance a., b., c., d., e. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data
from the different companies. All employees in Germany have entitlement to parental leave allowance in accordance with the legal framework (in particular the Federal Parental Allowance Act and Parental Leave Act). The key figures for b. to d. are presented for the employees in the Integrated Rail System in Germany.
402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes Collective agreements, Work-life balance, Mobile working a., b. Information
At present, the information cannot be reported for DB Group because the required data for the analysis is not centrally available. Re a.: For the Integrated Rail System in Germany, the principle is that operational changes pursuant to the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG) must always be discussed with the relevant employee
interest groups. Specifically, the employer is required to include employee interest groups, in good time and comprehensively, before a decision to implement an organizational change. In the case of organizational changes which, according to the legislation, constitute a change in operations, the relevant economic committee must also be included in addition to the respective Works Council, and the required documents must be submitted (see Sections 106, 111 and 112 BetrVG). In the case of a change in organization as part of a transfer of operations, the relevant employees must also be notified in advance by the employer in accordance with the principles of Section 613 a of the German Civil Code (BGB).
Re b.: For the Integrated Rail System in Germany, the principle
is that it is specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Act that the collective bargaining parties, i. e. the employer and
the responsible trade unions, are bound to the term of the
collective bargaining agreement. Furthermore, the employer
is required to disclose the collective bargaining agreements
to be applied in the course of the operation. There are no fixed
deadlines for consultation and notification under the collective
bargaining agreement.
403-1 Occupational health and safety management system Occupational health and safety managementOpportunity and risk management within DB GroupRegulations in DB Group a., b. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment,
and incident investigation
Occupational health and safety managementRegulations in DB Group a., b., c., d. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-3 Occupational health services Occupational health and safety management a. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication
on occupational health and safety
Occupational health and safety management a., b. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety Group securityOccupational health and safety management, Implementation of the Act on Corporate Due Diligencec Obligations in Supply Chains a. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-6 Promotion of worker health Modern health managementOccupational health and safety management a., b. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and
safety impacts directly linked by business relationships
Modern health managementOccupational health and safety management a.  Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health
and safety management system
Modern health managementOccupational health and safety management a., b., c. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System.
403-9 Work-related injuries Modern health managementOccupational health and safety management a., b., c., d.,
e., f., g.

Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data
from the different companies. This year, this information
is presented for the Integrated Rail System.

In accordance with statutory provisions in Germany, occupational accidents are reported and provided to the statutory
accident insurance company within three calendar days of the
accident becoming known. The relevant statutory accident
insurance company is responsible for determining the damage
and regulating the costs of the accident. Statistically, only
fatal occupational accidents and not serious ones are disclosed
or reported.

403-10 Work-related ill health Modern health managementOccupational health and safety management a., b., c., d., e. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from the different companies. This year, this information is presented for the Integrated Rail System. There is no monitoring of work-related illnesses. Data on occupational illnesses that make up a portion of the work-related illnesses are held by the accident insurance company.
404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Training and continuing educationOther employee key figures a. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data
from the different companies. This year, this key figure
will initially be displayed for employees in the Integrated
Rail System in Germany.
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and
transition assistanceprograms
Top targets of the Strong Rail strategyThe customer is at the center of our actionsTraining and continuing educationSecuring employmentExecutives and employees not covered by collective bargaining agreementsInclusion and reintegration measures, The work of the future and diversity, 30% women in leadershipHuman Resources (Opportunity and Risk report) a., b. Information

This information is not available on a consolidated basis
for Group companies outside the Integrated Rail System in
Re a.: The information refers to services offered by the internal
training service providers, DB Training for employees and DB
Academy for the target group of executives as well as centrally
managed programs for training in addition to a job, each with
a focus on Germany.
Re b.: In Germany, the departure from working life to retirement
or by giving notice of termination of employment is regulated
by law in order to protect and support employees. With employerfinanced contributions to the DEVK pension fund, the DB Group offers a pension scheme to supplement the statutory pension for the period after retirement. DB Group offers additional programs
to provide transitional assistance for a departure from the profession, e.g. via the Bahn Sozial Werk (retirement support).

404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance
and career development reviews
Performance management, Top targets Strong Rail strategy (Outlook) a. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from
the various companies. All employees and executives in the
Integrated Rail System in Germany receive annual feedback
on their performance. The penetration rate is 95%. The variation
from 100 % is due to special cases such as sick employees and
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Overview of key figures - Employees30% women in leadership, Diversity figuresDevelopment in the year under review DB Long-Distance, Development in the year under review DB Regional, Development in the year under review DB Cargo, Development in the year under review DB Netze Track, Development in the year under review DB Netze Stations, Development in the year under review DB Netze Energy, Development in the year under review DB Schenker  a., b. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data
from the different companies. . The current reporting covers
the DB Group in Germany.
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men Organizational structureSustainability in remunerationCollective agreements a. Information
Not all companies outside of Germany have a central data
warehouse to consolidate and process the individual data from
the different companies. The collective bargaining agree-
ments, works council agreements and other DB Group regulations
on employment conditions are generally gender-neutral.
Job evaluations and remuneration levels are based exclusively
on the requirements of the respective activity, not on the
personal characteristics of the candidates.
GRI 406: NON-DISCRIMINATION 2016        
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken Measures against discriminationCompliance instruments, Compliance business partnersHuman rights a., b. Information
At present, this information cannot be provided for DB Group
because the required data are not centrally available for
Group-wide statistics and documentation. We implement the
requirements of the LkSG.
Customer safety        

3-3 Management of material topics

Group Security




410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures

Group Security      



416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories


Information unavailable/


Information cannot currently be reported due to the complex
business structure.

416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services

a., b.

Information unavailable/


Information cannot currently be reported due to the complex
business structure.
Capacity expansion of the infrastructure and vehicle fleet        

3-3 Management of material topics

Implementing Strong Rail, Infrastructure expansionFleet and depot expansion




413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact
assessments, and development programs


Information unavailable/


Percentage can currently not be represented due to the complex
Group structure and extensive infrastructure.

413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities


Information unavailable/


Information can currently not be represented due to the complex
Group structure and extensive infrastructure.
Dealing with politics and regulations        

3-3 Management of material topics

Dialog with policymakers and the public, Additional funds for track infrastructureDevelopment of business environment, General framework DB Cargo, General framework DB Netze Track, General framework DB Netze Stations, Development of the infrastructure DB Netze Stations, Regulation (Opportunity and risk report), Federal budget 2024 approved (Events after the balance sheet date)




415-1 Political contributions

Dialog with policymakers and the public

a., b.

Not applicable Contributions of any kind to political parties, their representatives,
political leaders, elected representatives and candidates for
political office are generally prohibited.
Solutions for modern and digital mobility, logistics and service        

3-3 Management of material topics

Management approach and targets digitalization, Ecosystems and partnerships, Information security

Customer benefit and product quality        

3-3 Management of material topics

Overview of key figures (rail in Germany), The customer is at the center of our actions