Non-financial Statement
DB Group has opted for the voluntary submission of a non-financial statement (NFS). As part of our integrated report approach, we provide comprehensive reports on all material sustainability issues.
The update of the materiality analysis in 2022 resulted in a change in the key areas of action within the scope of the CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG). The issues of climate protection and economic performance have lost their material status within the scope of CSR-RUG as their impacts are regarded as less significant, but are still reported to be material in accordance with the GRI standards. The area of action customer benefit and product quality was newly classified as material. The contents of the NFS can be found in the relevant chapters of the Group Management Report and were prepared using the GRI standards and taking into account the UNGC reporting requirements. In addition, we provide additional voluntary disclosures on further matters.
Risk management
In connection with the requirements of the CSR-RUG, we were not able to identify any material risks associated with our business operations, business relationships, products or services that are likely to have serious negative effects on the most important non-financial aspects (environmental, social, employee matters, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery). We are working intensively on the impacts listed in this Integrated Report.
Our risk management also takes into account the impacts on the non-financial aspects and issues.