List of Abbreviations

List of abbreviations


AEG General Railways Act

AGV MOVE Mobility and Transport Services Association

AI Artificial Intelligence

AktG Stock Corporation Act

ARN Rail North

ATO Automatic train operation

AUD Australian dollar


bbl Barrel

BEV Federal Railroad Fund

BGB German Civil Code

BGH German Federal Supreme Court

BilMoG German Accounting Law Modernization Act

BIM Building information modeling

BMAS Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

BMDV Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

BMF Federal Ministry of Finance

BMI Federal Ministry of the Interior

BMUV Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

BNetzA Federal Network Agency

BSWAG Federal Rail Infrastructure Extension Act

BVerfG Federal Constitutional Court


CCO Chief Compliance Officer

CEF Connecting Europe Facility

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CHF Swiss francs

CO₂ Carbon dioxide

CO₂e CO₂-equivalent

COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission

CSA Credit Support Agreements

CSO Chief Sustainability Officer

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR-RUG CSR Directive Implementation Act

CTA Contractual Trust Arrangement


DAC Digital automatic coupling

DB AG Deutsche Bahn AG

DB E&C Deutsche Bahn Engineering& Consulting GmbH

DB Finance Deutsche Bahn Finance GmbH

DB IO Deutsche Bahn International Operations

DB Group Deutsche Bahn Group

DGCN German Global Compact Network

DSD Digital Rail for Germany

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation


EAV Profit and loss transfer agreement

EBA Federal Railway Authority

EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes

EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization

EC Eurocity

ECB European Central Bank

EDIP European Debt Issuance Program

ERegG Railway Regulation Act

ESG Environmental, Social, Governance

ETCS European Train Control System

EU European Union

ECJ European Court of Justice

EVG Railway and Transport Workers Union


FS Ferrovie dello Stato (Italian state-owned railway)

FTE Full-time employee

FüPoG III Act for the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Management Positions (Gesetz für die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von Frauen und Männern an Führungspositionen)


GBP British Pound Sterling

GDL German Locomotive Drivers Union

GDP Gross domestic product

GHG Greenhouse gas

GRI Global Reporting Initiative

GVFG Municipal Transport Financing Act

GWh Gigawatt hour


HR Human Resources


IC Intercity

ICE Intercity Express

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

ICS Internal control system

ISO International Organization for Standardization


KBV Group Employer/Works Council Agreement

KonTraG Corporate Sector Supervision and Transparency Act

kWh Kilowatt hour


LTI Long-term incentive

LTIF Lost time injury frequency

LuFV Performance and Financing Agreement


Square meters

MaaS Mobility as a Service

MaRisk Minimum requirements for risk management

MitbestG German Co-Determination Act

MJ Megajoule

MRR Minimum required rate of return

MWh Megawatt hour


NABU Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Association (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V.)

NFS  Non-financial statement

Nkm Commercial vehicle kilometers

NOK Norwegian Krone

NOx Nitrogen oxide emissions

NP Natural persons

NPM National Platform for the Future of Mobility

NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch state-owned railway)


PCGK Federal Public Corporate Governance Code

Pkm Passenger kilometers

PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish state-owned railway)

PPA Power Purchase Agreements

PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers


RE Regional Express

RegG Regionalization Act

RESY Regional energy-saving system

RFC Rail Freight corridors

RIC Rail infrastructure company

RMS Risk management system

ROCE Return on capital employed


SBB Swiss Federal Railways

SBTi Science-Based Targets initiative

SDGs Sustainable development goals

SI Satisfaction index

SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (French state-owned railway)

SO₂ Sulfur dioxide emissions

S&P S&P Global Ratings

SWP Strategic workforce planning


T Thousand

t Ton

TEE TransEuropeExpress

TEN Trans-European Networks

TEN-T Trans-European Transport Networks

TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit

tkm Tonne kilometers

TOC Train operating company

Trkm Train-path kilometers


UNGC United Nations Global Compact

USD US Dollar


VDB Association of the Railway Industry

VDE German unification transport projects


WACC Weighted average cost of capital

Wi-Fi Wireless local area network

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