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Employer attractiveness
In 2023, we continued to develop our talent acquisition strategy through comprehensive, candidate-focused measures and positioned ourselves as an attractive employer. We have identified specific levers to meet the challenges of what remains a constricted and rapidly changing labor market. DB Group is a top employer in Germany according to the Trendence Rankings 2023.
At the beginning of 2023, our new employer branding was launched on the basis of a newly developed, globally applicable employer value proposition with the key question “What is important to you?” In this context, we focus on our potential employees, enter into direct dialog with them and thus convey target-group-specific messages, benefits and job offers. The campaign was rolled out in 31 countries, and around 1,400 trade fairs, events and school events were held in Germany alone in 2023.
We have further expanded our diversity recruiting strategy with target-group-specific measures so as to fully exploit all labor market potential. We received a Trendence Award for this. Our targeted diversity marketing and communication strategy secures our standing as a diverse employer.
To ensure that we are visible as a leading employer for women, we are continuing to pursue our female recruitment strategy developed in 2020, which includes 30 measures to achieve our target of having “30% women in leadership by the end of 2024.” This should also sustainably increase the share of women in the DB Group. One measure we implemented was to hold another DB World Women’s Month. In our campaign “DB on Tour,” we featured seven female professionals in seven professions in seven cities.
New hires
In 2023, we had 28,193 external new hires in Germany, excluding young talents (previous year: 21,810). This is an important contribution to the implementation of our central strategic HR objective and to the robustness of DB Group.
New hires by gender (excl. young talents) as of Dec 31 / NP | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
<30 years | 10,824 | 8,247 | 7,161 |
Share of women (%) | 29.6 | 30.7 | 30.5 |
30 –49 years | 13,200 | 10,528 | 8,892 |
Share of women (%) | 25.5 | 25.4 | 21.9 |
≥50 years | 4,169 | 3,035 | 2,397 |
Share of women (%) | 21.8 | 21.6 | 18.9 |
DB Group | 28,193 | 21,810 | 18,450 |
Germany (companies with about 98% of domestic employees). This does not include the hiring and permanent employment of vocational trainees and dual-degree students.