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ESG ratings
ESG ratings
The feedback from ESG (environmental, social, governance) rating agencies is an important benchmark and indicator of the interests of our stakeholders.
Changes in 2023:
- CDP: The CDP rating of DB Group was downgraded in 2023. The drivers for the change from 2022 include increased requirements (in the leadership band) and a change in scoring methods. This result places us in the highest category “leadership” and among the best 6% in the climate change questionnaire.
- EcoVadis: With its overall score for 2023, DB Group is one of the top 2% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the “Transport via railways industry” category, and has maintained its score from the previous year. The industry average is 42 points. DB Group was also awarded a silver medal (2022: gold medal) for its sustainability performance. This change from the previous year is due to an adjustment of the medal scale by EcoVadis.
- ISS ESG: In the ESG Corporate Rating by ISS ESG, DB Group’s score was upgraded in 2023. This is due, among other factors, to better assessments in the area of “governance” and a positive trend in the area of “eco-efficiency.” This means that DB Group was ranked in the 1st decile, and was once again awarded Prime status.
- MSCI ESG: DB Group’s MSCI ESG rating∞ was downgraded in 2023. This was driven by the removal of the previous key issue of “community relations,” with the associated change in the weighting of topics and the relative improvement of the peer group.
- Sustainalytics: Sustainalytics adjusted DB Group’s ESG risk in 2023. This is due to a better assessment of the management of individual ESG issues.
ESG ratings | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | Last update | Scale |
CDP (climate rating) | A– | A | A | Feb 2024 1) | A to F |
EcoVadis | 68 | 68 | 61 | Jun 2023 | The best 1% (75 –100) The best 5% (67 –74) The best 25% (56 –66) The best 50% (47 –55) |
ISS ESG | B– | C+ | B– | Sep 2023 | A+/4.00 to D –/1.00 |
MSCI | A | AA | A | Dec 2023 | Leader (AA – AAA) Average (BB – A) Laggard (CCC – B) |
Sustainalytics | 22.1 | 24.5 | 19.7 | Aug 2023 | Risk assessment: Negligible (0 –10) Low (10 –20) Medium (20 –30) High (30 – 40) Severe (40 – 100) |
In alphabetical order.
1) CDP published the 2023 climate rating results in February 2024.
More information is available on our investor relations Web site.